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:: Tagup Drill

Learn the proper fundamentals of tagging up on a fly ball.

Players line up at a base. Third base works well for this drill.


The first base runner starts the drill by taking their secondary lead as if the pitcher had pitched the ball.


When the base runner is at the end of their lead the base runner will run back to the back to the base and tag up.

3. The base runner gets into a sprinters stance and waits for the next runner in line to clap their hands.

The clapping by the player simulates the outfielder catching the ball and the base runner sprints to the next base to beat the throw.

5. Player returns to the end of line and the next runner repeats the drill until everyone has gone a couple of times.




Coaching Tips

Players should always turn their body so that they can have a clear view of the baseball as it is being caught by a fielder.


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